Meet, one more thrown out again…
The little kitten Tiger asks you to help him!
It is not known how to convey to “people” that they did not throw away garbage, but a living being.
What should he do next? Where should he live, where should he sleep?!
Now he is at the clinic, waiting for vaccination. We need a house already in December. After all, on the street his life is in mortal danger every minute. A little kitten is being chased by dogs and cannot find food on the street. But frosts -10…-15 are already very close…
He loves all people and is friendly towards other animals. Do not doubt, he will be a kind and faithful family member to you.
Please help me place him in a family, believe me, you will save his life in the full sense of the word…
Contact us – 067-160-63-23 Lyudmila